Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Week Two Begins...

The first spot of the year is done
Eleven days in muddy Brownsville TX
But the muddyness is over
Or so we thought...
Introduced Raja to Shonti in Brownsville
They seem to get along great
She grooms him and lets him crawl under her to sleep

Now we are in San Benito TX.
Still crumby weather
But gravel at least
Did another PR spot with Raja here
Buenas Dias Frontera on Telemundo
Was a good spot and great interview
I didn't break out any of my espanol this time though...

Cats have been doing great so far
All the shows in Brownsville put them right back in shape
Even Raja has been hanging out in the arena for practices
And watching the act from his rolling cage in the tent
He should be warming a seat in no time

Show is very strong this year
I will elaborate on this more in my next post
But I strongly suggest no one who can see this show
This year doesn't miss it!!!
It is an awesome line up for sure...


Tejano said...


Email me the phone number of the advance man for Kelly Miller. My friends needs to call him re the article we spoke about.


Crystal said...


Great pics Casey! Hope you and the fam are GREAT!

Hurray and make your way to central TX sooner! I need a dose of cute new kitty!

Tejano said...

Well, got the news from my friend. He spoke to his editor and your advance man had gone by and left some tickets but no advertising.

So, they are not interested in a story for the present. That is why, in my opinion, small town papers will always remain small. I understand the economics, you have to make money.

Anyway, see you guys on Friday, will catch the show in McAllen and perhaps also in La Feria.

Thanks for your time!

Gilligan T. Monkey said...

Great pics,how old is Shonti?

Randy said...


hope you have a great season,,,,give Armondo a shout from us...
keep the photos coming...

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