Saturday, September 11, 2010

Blast from the Past

"On my left Steve Johnson elephant man who I had not seen since 97 when I picked up Moxie from Marineland. On my right, Paul Lee who I last saw in 90 after we worked together 4 years on FBC. Time flies...but it doesn't touch anything." -Casey Cainan
The night previous Steve joined the America's Own crew visiting Chuck E Cheese (mostly for Georgia's amusement) but all the adults played games and enjoyed pizza as well. Steve and I literally drank the place dry - Danny was rather upset to learn they had run out of beer by the time he arrived.

Last week I also had several zoo friends visit from across the country to see a show. Elephant keepers from Tulsa, Milwaukee and Chicago all had a great time, though unfortunately we were not able to barbeque after the show due to the more common Chicago night jumps. This week, some of the girls returned to watch the tent raising via elephant power, tiger practice later in the day and they helped with the daily elephant baths as well. It is very interesting to converse with keepers from different facilities and enjoy their enthusiasm and interactions around free contact elephants - both Susan and Collette have only worked elephants in a protected contact setting.

They also snapped a few pictures of my practice and watched as Casey taught me more about laying the tigers down and sitting them up in the middle of the arena as opposed to the front; the difficulty lies in their ability to back out of the trick without the arena behind them as a barrier.

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