Sunday, August 02, 2009

Richie Richfield...

Richfield Ohio
Childhood home town of
Circus Celebrity...BJ the Clown
No lot behind city hall
As soon as we were unloaded me and Georgia headed
Over to BJ's old address
So I could snap a few pics and the world could see
Were comedy comes from
Got these

The folks who now reside there seemed a little baffled
By me standing in the street taking pics of their house
I didn't take time to explain

Then later at the lot I went into the
Mobil Truckers Museum
See Richfield is kinda big with trucking
Several big companies have hubs there
BJ's dad worked for many years as a P.I.E mechanic
(Pacific Intermountain Express)
So I snapped a couple pics of the PIE section

Also turned out to be a huge day for the show
All three of them
That's right
Had Jimmy and Tepa Hall visiting as well
All in all, it was a great day


Kellie said...

Casey - I by no means meant to offend you. I'm glad to hear the animals are raised like pets and not pulled from the wild. The heat does better explain why they seemed so slow. I'm glad they are not sad! Keep up the great entertaining! We did LOVE the show!

B.J. said...

Lived there from Christmas 1966 to 1980. Lots of great memories, Thanks-BJ

B.E.Trumble said...

Seems like the house in Richfield deserves a historical marker. Or perhaps it could be a location in Tavana's CM boardgame.

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