About a week ago Raja suffered the first of
Several seizures from an unknown cause
The seizures had left him weak and very wobbly
A vet today determined the seizures likely cause
Irreparable damage to his nervous system
Together we determined, sadly the most humane
Course of action would be to put him to sleep
So at 9:30 this morning the vet euthanized Raja...
I am sorry little buddy
But you won't suffer now
We had some great times in the
Short time we were together

"In Fort Worth all the neon is shining bright,
Pretty lights all green and blue,
But they'd shut down all the honky tonks tonight,
Say a prayer or two, if they only knew,
You used to say the highway was your home,
But we both know, that aint true,
It's just the only place a man can go,
When he don't know where he's travelin too"
G. Clark
Casey, Natalie and Ryan,
I am totally devastated to hear this news. I cannot imagine the grief and heartache you must all be feeling today.
It's almost as if all of us -- your blog family -- helped to raise this handsome little guy and delighted in his growth and progress.
"The risk of love is loss, and the price of loss is grief. But the pain of grief is only a shadow when compared to the pain of never risking love."
I am so sorry.
Casey and family, so sorry to hear about the loss of Raja! Worst thing about this business is the mortality involved in it.
I'm so very sorry to hear you lost him. I know how it is to lose an animal. Heartbreaking to say the least. We'll be thinking of you and please pass on my deepest sympathies to Casey and Nat. I'm sorry Radar....
I cried.
From a distance I watched him grow. I smiled at him in the water, on his leash, in Steve's truck. I wondered as to his capabilities when in the ring.
I grew to love this small soul, having never met him.
I grew to love those caring for him, too.
Casey, Ryan, Natalie and all those who loved Raja: have my deep condolences. I am, very, sorry for your loss.
Casey, Natalie and Ryan,
I am deeply sorry to hear about this devastating news. He was such a cute little man. He will always be with each and every one of you whom he touched your hearts and made you smile.
Thank you all for the comments. It means a lot that Raja was appreciated by so many.
Casey, Natalie & Ryan -
Our heartfelt sympathies go out to you and the entire Kelly-Miller family.
Jack's quote was so appropriate.
Take care and know our thoughts are with you all.
Thanks so much everyone! It sure means a lot to all of us!
Those who do not have animals as family members cannot comprehend the loss you must be feeling.
Our sympathy to all of Raja's family.
Doug & Susan Kruest
Goodbye little guy
it's so hard to see him go,
Jack and Gary said it all. We truly love our four-legged friends but we know that they will never live as long as a human lifespan. To lose a youngster like Raja hurts like hell but to watch his inevitable decline with his condition would hurt even more and for longer.
Sorry to hear this Casey, Nat and Radar.
Casey, Natalie, Ryan, Georgia, Genevieve, Shonti, Tora, Jai, Kali, and Sumsara,
We are so sorry to hear this news, and our hearts go out to all of you. I am sure that you will all miss him for a very long time. We were so privileged to see him only a couple of weeks ago, and it was wonderful to watch his development.
Joe & Mary Ann
Dear Ryan, Casey, Natalie and girls, and the show members. You are all in our thoughts tonight. I know this is a sad sad time. Jack and Gary have said it all. Y'all are all in our thoughts and prayers. God bless Beautiful Raja, and may he forever run and play in on the big log in the sky!
I join in sympathy to your loss, so nicely express as others have noted in the first posts by Jack and Gary. You have great memories, really wonderful photos, and the assurance that you gave Raja a grand time while with you.
Dick Flint
I am so at a loss to hear this tragic news. We are animal lovers, and I share your grief. As jack said, being a part of your blog family, thank you so much for sharing your ups and downs with us.Please know that we are sending love and energy you way.
Casey, Natalie and Ryan,
I am totally devastated by this news. What a beautiful little trouper he was.
My thoughts are with you.
Casey, Natalie and Ryan. I am so sorry to read of your loss. Raja was a family member to you. It's hadr to say good-bye.
I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of Raja-- a four-legged, non-verbal, furry striped child. I will remember the photo of him in the cab and driving the truck. My prayers for understanding for all your family, striped and otherwise.
Casey, Natalie and Radar - I have been out east the last week and just heard about Raja. I am so sorry for your loss. I know how hard that is.
Wow that was the last thing I was expecting to read! I am so sorry to hear of your loss.
Wow, I haven't read the blog for a few days - what an aweful thing. Casey, it was obvious how much you cared for your little guy and how proud you were of him. I'm so sorry.
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