After a late night at the Karaoke bar, we jumped into Flushing, Michigan, this morning, returning to a town we enjoyed last year as well. It is where I began to practice working with the lunge whip using soda cans on a ringcurb, and also where Ryan and I fought an epic Man vs. Nature battle against a battalion of bees (not nearly as dangerous as hordes of coyotes though).

After my usual morning chores, Casey and I set loose the newest member of the McCoy Tiger Troupe; Raja released his buried wildest insticts on the unsuspecting town in middle Michigan. Just kidding - all necessary safety precautions were put in place as Raja practiced his natural swimming abilities in the wide, and in some places rather deep, Flint River flowing immediately adjacent to the lot. We all tried not to worry that the town's name was somewhat descriptive of the water's murky and seaweed-decorated content. We all had a great time and were reluctant to leave, especially Raja who had been practicing barrel rolls in the current.

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