Thursday, May 05, 2011

Get Your Picture...

Been pretty busy the last month or so. Haven't had much time for blogs of any kind. The Tiger Photo Booth keeps using up most of my free time. If we aren't out getting ink or photo paper, I am fixing the printers or cage lately. I feel it is a worthy investment. I was never a fan of pictures with a cub because the public was handling young cats. And it caused a lot of places to breed just for cubs that would have a use for 2 months. Then what? The picture cage is safe for the animal and public.

So far I am still recouping my initial investment, but I think this will be a money maker at some point.

Not much else going on here. Rain almost everyday so far in Indiana. Canceled a town do to severe flooding of the town last week. Lots of muddy lots...

Location:Copeland-Neese Rd,Lebanon,United States

1 comment:

Michael Newton-Brown said...

So cool. Yes, this should be a money maker.How's the act coming?And how are the girls? See, I'm starved for information.

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